Message from VM
(too old to reply)
2024-05-07 16:09:44 UTC
I am and have been for nearly a decade using a VM Superhub2 in modem
mode with a TP-Link Archer D2 as my network.

I have today received a free offer to upgrade my VM router to a Hub4 but
I have some questions:-
Does Hub4 support modem mode?
Does Hub4 have VoIP built in.

I have checked and found that the Hub5 does do modem mode and wi-fi 6 as
well for that matter, but can I get VM to supply it free or if not at a
very small charge?

FTR I am running 50/5Mb - I would like more speed but I cannot justify
the cost. I am currently paying a bit over £38/month for broadband and
phone (the latter we don't use), my contract rising to £51/m from mid
June next year.

However I have a lever CityFibre being well available to me and I can
get 150Mb both directions for about £28/month albeit I may have to pay
for an email handling service. I fancy the idea but having been a
NTLWorld/VM broadband user for nearly 25 years it does tend to keep me
pulled to VM!
Graham J
2024-05-07 16:37:55 UTC
Woody wrote:

Post by Woody
However I have a lever CityFibre being well available to me and I can
get 150Mb both directions for about £28/month albeit I may have to pay
for an email handling service. I fancy the idea but having been a
NTLWorld/VM broadband user for nearly 25 years it does tend to keep me
pulled to VM!
I think with CityFibre you would get an ONT with an Ethernet port. So
you can use your preferred router. If you want a static public IP this
might cost you more ...

You should always have a proper email handling service and your own
domain name. That way you're not tied to the same ISP that provides
your connection, and can jump ship without any inconvenience.

Then buy your VoIP service from a well-respected VoIP provider.
Graham J
2024-05-07 17:22:42 UTC
Post by Graham J
Post by Woody
However I have a lever CityFibre being well available to me and I can
get 150Mb both directions for about £28/month albeit I may have to pay
for an email handling service. I fancy the idea but having been a
NTLWorld/VM broadband user for nearly 25 years it does tend to keep me
pulled to VM!
I think with CityFibre you would get an ONT with an Ethernet port.  So
you can use your preferred router.

  If you want a static public IP this
Post by Graham J
might cost you more ...
Done - static is standard on my chosen supplier
Post by Graham J
You should always have a proper email handling service and your own
domain name.
Had a domain for nearly 20 years

That way you're not tied to the same ISP that provides
Post by Graham J
your connection, and can jump ship without any inconvenience.
Was a beta tester with NTLWorld which is why my loyalty plus good system
reliability keeps me there!
Post by Graham J
Then buy your VoIP service from a well-respected VoIP provider.
Have had three VoIP accounts again for well over 15 years, one with
FirstComEurope and two with Sipgate.

Tnx for your help.
2024-05-07 17:26:48 UTC
Post by Graham J
Post by Woody
However I have a lever CityFibre being well available to me and I can
get 150Mb both directions for about £28/month albeit I may have to pay
for an email handling service. I fancy the idea but having been a
NTLWorld/VM broadband user for nearly 25 years it does tend to keep me
pulled to VM!
I think with CityFibre you would get an ONT with an Ethernet port. So
you can use your preferred router. If you want a static public IP this
might cost you more ...
You should always have a proper email handling service and your own
domain name. That way you're not tied to the same ISP that provides
your connection, and can jump ship without any inconvenience.
Then buy your VoIP service from a well-respected VoIP provider.
If you can get CityFibre I’d recommend looking at IDNet. Single static IPv4
address and a range of IPv6. No carrier grade NAT. (Something to be wary of
with some of the newer fibre players) Like the OP I’ve been with VM since
their early dial up service and then their very first cable modem offering.
However their recent attempts to raise their prices to unrealistic levels
and the need to constantly haggle made moving to City Fibre a blessed
relief. Can’t fault either CF or IDNet.
2024-05-07 18:47:04 UTC
Post by Tweed
Post by Graham J
Post by Woody
However I have a lever CityFibre being well available to me and I can
get 150Mb both directions for about £28/month albeit I may have to pay
for an email handling service. I fancy the idea but having been a
NTLWorld/VM broadband user for nearly 25 years it does tend to keep me
pulled to VM!
I think with CityFibre you would get an ONT with an Ethernet port. So
you can use your preferred router. If you want a static public IP this
might cost you more ...
You should always have a proper email handling service and your own
domain name. That way you're not tied to the same ISP that provides
your connection, and can jump ship without any inconvenience.
Then buy your VoIP service from a well-respected VoIP provider.
If you can get CityFibre I’d recommend looking at IDNet. Single static IPv4
address and a range of IPv6. No carrier grade NAT. (Something to be wary of
with some of the newer fibre players) Like the OP I’ve been with VM since
their early dial up service and then their very first cable modem offering.
However their recent attempts to raise their prices to unrealistic levels
and the need to constantly haggle made moving to City Fibre a blessed
relief. Can’t fault either CF or IDNet.
I had already made my mind up that IDNet was probably the best bet overall.
2024-05-09 06:18:13 UTC
Post by Woody
I am and have been for nearly a decade using a VM Superhub2 in modem
mode with a TP-Link Archer D2 as my network.
I have today received a free offer to upgrade my VM router to a Hub4 but
I have some questions:-
Does Hub4 support modem mode?
Post by Woody
Does Hub4 have VoIP built in.
If you mean VM's 21CV (very similar to BT's Digital Voice) - yes.
Post by Woody
I have checked and found that the Hub5 does do modem mode and wi-fi 6 as
well for that matter, but can I get VM to supply it free or if not at a
very small charge?
Hub 5 has had issues with 21CV, according to reports on the VM forum. I was supplied with a Hub 4
before the switch over to 21CV over a year ago and find it reliable.
Post by Woody
FTR I am running 50/5Mb - I would like more speed but I cannot justify
the cost. I am currently paying a bit over £38/month for broadband and
phone (the latter we don't use), my contract rising to £51/m from mid
June next year.
Yes VM is expensive. I too am thinking of moving over to a different ISP via CityFibre.
Post by Woody
However I have a lever CityFibre being well available to me and I can
get 150Mb both directions for about £28/month albeit I may have to pay
for an email handling service. I fancy the idea but having been a
NTLWorld/VM broadband user for nearly 25 years it does tend to keep me
pulled to VM!
I stopped using my ntlworld address years go after receiving many spams from email addresses with
display names of several of my contacts (although I never used the ntlworld contacts list). I now
use gmail.
