Move from Draytek to Asus VDSL router - it was easy!
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Chris Green
2024-01-05 13:09:10 UTC
I have just replaced my venerable and long-serving Draytek 2860n+
router with an Asus DSL-AC68U. It turned out to be far easier than I

I configured the DSL-AC68U as far as I was able off-line, i.e. the
port forwarding and firewall set up etc. and then jusy swapped it in.
The only minor issues were me getting the username wrong at the first
attempt and a minor confusion with ssh access and port forwarding,
quickly sorted.

I have to say that the Asus' GUI configuration is way easier to work
with than the Draytek's. In particular the port forwarding/firewall
is really easy to configue with just a single setting needed. This is
unike the Draytek where you have to set up the port forwarding *and*
open the firewall for each pinhole.

Plus you get a properly accessible command line Linux OS with the
Asus, provided as standard. Then, in addition, you can install
Asuswrt-Merlin instead of the standard Asuswrt and you get even more
customisation options - lovely.

(... and secondhand DSL-AC68Us are dead cheap!)
Chris Green
Andy Burns
2024-01-05 14:20:15 UTC
Post by Chris Green
Asus' GUI configuration is way easier to work
with than the Draytek's.
Well yes, Draytek is notoriously clunky ...
