(too old to reply)
Malcolm Loades
2023-12-01 08:11:50 UTC
An article in The Guardian today has brought back so many memories.


2023-12-01 10:33:00 UTC
Post by Malcolm Loades
An article in The Guardian today has brought back so many memories.
Of course although email has obviously increased the number of messages.

Royal Mail have hastened this by hiking stamp prices way ahead of inflation and driving custom away.
RM unreliability also led to the creation of alternatives like Dx.

BT have followed the same route - hiking call charges to extortionate levels e.g. a local call costs 23p ten time the cost of my calling New Zealand on the other side of the earth. I haven't made a chargeable call via BT except by accident for over a decade.
Graham J
2023-12-01 10:35:51 UTC
Post by ***@gmail.com
Post by Malcolm Loades
An article in The Guardian today has brought back so many memories.
Of course although email has obviously increased the number of messages.
Royal Mail have hastened this by hiking stamp prices way ahead of inflation and driving custom away.
RM unreliability also led to the creation of alternatives like Dx.
I think DX started in 1975 as a secure transfer service for lawyers - so
it probably predated the unreliability of Royal Mail.
Graham J
Peter Johnson
2023-12-01 14:48:48 UTC
Post by ***@gmail.com
Post by Malcolm Loades
An article in The Guardian today has brought back so many memories.
Of course although email has obviously increased the number of messages.
Royal Mail have hastened this by hiking stamp prices way ahead of inflation and driving custom away.
RM unreliability also led to the creation of alternatives like Dx.
If they hadn't increased the rates the losses would have been greater
so they take the action that leasts damages the business.
When I asked a postman the other day why, for several weeks, my normal
post was being delivered weekly, although tracked post was being
delivered on time, he said that there are a lot of vacancies in the
company and that it was cheaper to pay the penalties for not meeting
delivery targets than to fill the vacancies.
